Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tablet Detailing Evolution According to Roche Italy

I'm preparing for my presentation at the Roche Digital Academy in Milan on June 19, 2013 (see "Pharmaguy to Present at the Roche Digital Academy"). The Roche "Team Italy" (see below) sent me a nice infographic that provides some details about the current and future digital efforts of Roche Italy -- including some data regarding digital marketing spend by various brands.

I want focus on the section about "Tablet Detailing," which is shown in the following graphic:

It seems that Roche Italy is well on the way to fully integrating the iPad into its sales process, overcoming the dreaded "No iPad For You" attitude of some pharma "IT Nazis" that I wrote about in the past (read "Lazy IT 'Nazis' Thwart iPad Use by Sales Reps").


  1. I do understand that iPads and tablets are being increasingly deployed in field sales now. In fact, a research report by Best Practices details that more and more companies have opened their eyes to it. This said what would you say to the comment made by blackberry CEO- tablets will be dead in the next 5 years? When pharma is going big in making good use of such handy devices... there are predictions of change and obsolescence of technology, do you think pharma lags behind?

    1. There are some disadvantages of being an "early adopter" of technology, such as the situation you mention where the technology soon becomes obsolete (according to Blackberry CEO -- to which I say HA, HA!). So, you could say that lagging behind is good -- let others make mistakes. BUT, 5 years is a VERY long time (Blackberry will be gone by then). iPads would have paid for themselves during that timeframe and the companies that use them will have a 5-year advantage over those who do not. Plus, think of all the knowledge and experience gained, which could be applied to the quick rollout of the new new shiny thing :-)

  2. Using (i)Pads and tablets in pharma sales, if not for the entire market approach is not a matter of a simple application of technology.
    A first encounter with the technology by replacing details by edetailing seems a logical thing to do. But following that up to get into digital detailing, is in my experience not as easy as it seems. With the step from edetailing to digital promotion and relation, the very organization of the affiliate, and, moreover its relations to its stakeholders, is at stake. One can mess it up too.
    I do use this presentation in discussing the issue with pharma companies to orient them and to create a path of development:
