Friday, August 14, 2009

Still on the Road - in Miami

I'm still on vacation and really enjoying the break from reporting on pharma issues!

That's me and my son, John, enjoying a beer at the Tradewinds cafe in Bayside Mall in Miami just prior to taking a sightseeing cruise. You can see all the photos of my trip on Flicker here.

We probably will leave Miami tomorrow and head back north on the second leg of our amazing Road Trip (see my route here).

Along the way, we hope to meet local people of interest. Tomorrow, for example I may meet up with some people in Palm Beach. One person wants to show me an exciting new product that will be on pharmacy shelves in the next 60 days. Another needs some advice on a new company that delivers ads directly to patients who get prescriptions by mail.

For a drink and some pointers where to visit along my route, I am quite happy to give advice to anyone!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I was on vacation too.

    Have a good one.
