Friday, July 17, 2009

Harry and Louise Return This Weekend to TV

Remember those Health Insurance Association of America "Harry and Louise" TV ads that were instrumental in scuttling Hillary Clinton's health reform efforts in 1993? Well, Harry and Louise are back! This time, however, they support health reform. "A little more cooperation, a little less politics, and we can get the job done this time," says Louise as a halo swirls around her head and eventually forms the URL: Seems to me we could have gotten the job done in 1993 with a little less Harry and Louise!

[UPDATE, 31-May-2012: Read "Pfizer & PhRMA Instrumental in Passing Health Reform"]

Here's the ad you'll see this weekend (sponsored by PhRMA and Families USA):

Harry and Louise talk behind the scenes about healthcare reform during the 2008 election campaign:

Here's the original anti-government campaign:

Here's a spoof by Hillary and Bill:

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