Monday, April 06, 2009

Pharma's "Social Media Readiness" Score Improves

The "Social Media Pharma Marketing Readiness Self-Assessment" survey has been hosted by Pharma Marketing News since December 2007 and to-date about 390 people from pharmaceutical companies, pharma vendor companies and other interested parties have taken the survey and compared their scores with the average score.

The survey asks respondents several questions to gauge readiness in 3 categories:

Regulatory Environment of respondents company
Their company's Corporate Culture viz-a-viz comfort with social media
Respondent's personal Knowledge & Opinion of Social Media

You can read more about the details of the questions and get a summary of the results through 26 March 2008 by downloading this Pharma Marketing News article reprint: PMN Reprint #73-05.

At the time I last reviewed the data (March 2008), only about 108 people had taken the survey. Today, approximately 400 people have responded.

It occurred to me that I could compare the responses collected during the last 12 months (ie, 1-APR-2008 through 31-MAR-2009) and compare them to the first set of responses (ie, 26-DEC-2007 through 31-MAR-2008) and see if the scores improved.

They have! See the following chart (click on it for an enlarged view):

These data are from PHARMA respondents only (ie, people who claim they are employed at FDA-regulated Pharmaceutical/Biotech/Medical Device companies). The "2008" data were based on 46 responses and the "2009" data are based on 86 responses.

I should really look at 6-month chucks of responses and see if there really is an upward trend. Come back after lunch for an update!

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