Sunday, November 16, 2008

Peter Rost Gets Serious About Becoming Obama's Choice for the New FDA Commissioner

Today I noticed that Peter Rost -- former Pfizer Marketing VP, turned drug industry whistle blower, author, and blogger -- changed the name of his blog (again!) to PETER ROST FOR FDA COMMISSIONER.

It all started when I reported on Pharma Marketing Blog that FDA Intern -- Strange visitor from an Ivy League school who came to FDA with powers and ability far beyond those of Janet Woodcock or even FDA commish Andy von Eschenbach! -- announced her endorsement of Peter Rost as president-elect Obama's nominee choice for the new FDA Commissioner (see "FDA Intern Supports Peter Rost for New FDA Commish!").

Peter himself had re-published on his blog a 2004 press release in which Rahm Emanuel -- Obama's new Chief of Staff -- expressed a glowing opinion of Rost (see "Emanuel Statement: Importation Press Conference with Pfizer Vice President Dr. Peter Rost").

Shortly afterward, I decided to start my "Who Should Obama Nominate for FDA Commissioner?" survey (see "Vote for New FDA Commissioner: Let Obama Know"). I picked names of 10 contenders from opinions expressed by various bloggers in the Pharma Blogosphere to include in the survey. Out of respect for FDA Intern, I included Peter Rost in that list. Respondents can also write-in their own choices.

I asked several bloggers to include notices about my survey on their blogs and a few, including Rost, did so.

What surprised me -- and I think Rost as well -- was that Rost became the leading contender very early on and still leads the pack with nearly 100 people voting to date (see "FDA Critics Lead the Pack of Contenders for New FDA Commissioner According to Poll!"). This despite the fact that I endorsed Susan Wood on Pharma Marketing Blog (see "Susan Wood: 'The One to Take the Lead' of the FDA").

At first, Rost did not take himself seriously as a contender for FDA Commissioner. But he also saw the results of my survey and posted them to his site and the story was picked up by a German newspaper that obviously took all this seriously (see "Germany discusses possibility for Dr. Rost to become new FDA Commissioner").

I also pointed out to Rost that the Obama transition team had a Web site where people could submit their resumes for government jobs in the Obama administration. Rost thanked me for the heads-up and quickly applied.

I also notified the Obama transition team about my survey and suggested they keep up with the results and comments from respondents when I publish them in an upcoming issue of Pharma Marketing News.

Here are the top contenders to date for FDA Commissioner nominee, according to my survey respondents:
  1. Peter Rost - 24.5%
  2. Steven Nissen -- 14.9%
  3. Janet Woodcock -- 12.8%
  4. Susan Wood -- 10.6%
If we look at just respondents from the USA, the results are a bit different:
  1. Steven Nissen -- 17.3%
  2. Peter Rost -- 16.0 %
  3. Janet Woodcock -- 12.0%
  4. Susan Wood -- 12.0%
Of course, now that the ROST FOR FDA COMMISSIONER campaign is in full swing, we can expect even more votes for Rost!

What do you think? Is Rost your choice for FDA Commissioner? Vote now!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Hi, John:

    I want you (and your site visitors) to know that I am trying my best to help Peter Rost become the new FDA Commissioner!

    I forwarded your email to several people on my email list. I asked them to read the story on your blog, to vote for Peter Rost, and then, to pass your email on to others.

    I am including my email here. If anyone would like to copy and use it, I'd be delighted. (I believe the saying, "Plagiarism is the highest form of flattery," applies here!)

    Here is my email letter:

    I am on John Mack’s ( list, and just received this email from him. (Please scroll way down, below.) I am forwarding it on to a very few people, in hopes that you will read it, vote for Peter Rost (former VP of Marketing for Pfizer) for FDA Commissioner, and then forward it on to others.

    The whole incredible story is below. But basically, Peter Rost, former VP of Marketing for Pfizer (and Pfizer whistleblower) is actually in the running for the post of FDA Commissioner. I voted for him on the Pharma Marketing blog, and it seems that so did 99 others! Now both the story and the voting are “going viral” -- and even a German newspaper has written about Rost’s candidacy.

    The thing that makes this within the realm of actually becoming a reality is that, four years ago, Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s new Chief of Staff, released the following statement about Peter Rost:

    “I would like to nominate Dr. Rost for the Guts of the Year award. Courageous whistleblowers like Dr. Rost have helped make the tobacco industry accountable for misconceptions about the health risks of smoking. Over the past several years, whistleblowers have uncovered major accounting scandals with consequences for millions of Americans. I want to thank Dr. Rost for blowing the whistle on the pharmaceutical industry, breaking down myths perpetuated by the industry that help keep prices – and profits – high at the expense of American families.”

    The usual way things happen is that Pharma insiders become FDA Commissioner. We have a new President (whom many of us worked for). Let’s help him to take notice, and to change the way things are done at the FDA!!

    Thanks so much for reading this, for voting for Peter Rost (or for another candidate you might prefer), and for passing this email on to others. Let’s continue to make a difference by making this happen!)

    Julia Schopick
