The TV ad debuted last night during the depressing show Earth 2100 on ABC (see here). I would estimate that 30 seconds of the 60-second TV ad is also devoted to presenting risk information (find the TV ad on the Pristiq website here).
Now I could write about the wind-up doll analogy, but that would just be a cheap shot. Like, whoever remembers such antiques?
According to a confidential inside source, the wind-up doll signifies what many people on depression feel like: they must go through their daily lives on “autopilot,” and at times, do not even “feel human.” The wind-up doll simulates the impact of depression on daily functioning -- particularly feelings of sadness, loss of interest in favorite activities, trouble concentrating and lack of energy. OK, I'll buy that.
I'm more interested in the fact that despite the dire warnings required, Wyeth decided to do a DTC campaign at all! A black box warning in the past spelled the death knell for DTC advertising. Literally half of the Pristiq TV media spend is going towards risk communication!
If the risk segment of the ad were creatively done to make the risks (including death) sound reasonable (as in recent Celebrex TV ads), then I would say the money was well spent. However, the Pristiq TV ad uses a conventional voiceover technique citing a laundry list of bad things that can happen to you. While the voice drones on, the video shows the patient enjoying a nice, happy, family outing. Also, the music is more lively during the voiceover.
Which makes me think: Did this ad pass muster with the FDA? I only ask that question because of the recent publication of FDA's draft "Guidance for Industry on Presenting Risk Information in Prescription Drug and Medical Device Promotion" (see "Communicating Risk in Online Drug Ads: Reading the Tea Leaves in Recent FDA Draft Guidance").
I worry that the Wyeth marketing people did not read this FDA document carefully (actually, I'm sure the ad was created long before the document was released). I draw their attention to Example 20 on page 20 of the FDA draft Guidance:
"Example 20: A video or broadcast ad depicts a joyous or exhilarating moment, contains images of people enjoying the benefits of the product, or includes otherwise compelling or distracting non risk related images while major risks are communicated in a voiceover. The inconsistent tone or images may be too distracting for the audience to listen to or process the risks, causing the video or broadcast ad to communicate a false or misleading net impression of the product."This describes exactly the Pristiq technique of presenting risk information and I must admit that I did not absorb it all as I was looking at all the nice people and listening to the soothing music.
I'm sure the FDA will send Wyeth a letter about this, probably next year around this time. So, you better look out Wyeth! The bad FDA has you in its sights!
This is an interesting case not just because of the way risk information is presented in the TV ad, but because there is a campaign going on to eliminate the requirement for a suicide black box warning for anti-depressants not intended for children (Pristiq is indicated only for use in adults). As I wrote about a few days ago, some mental health professionals think the FDA should change its policy regarding the safety of antidepressants (see "Unintended Consequences of FDA Warnings: Lilly-funded Antidepressant Case Study").
Again, given how long it takes the FDA to enforce or change regulations, I don't expect Pristiq to benefit from the anti-black box campaign any time soon. Wyeth, however, should modify how the risk information is presented in light of the draft guidance, IMHO.
Comments from Wyeth were not available at the time of publication of this post, but I hope to speak with a representative later today and report back.
Meanwhile, here are some comments about the Pristiq TV ad gleaned from Twitter:
"Is the best ad campaign platform for Pristiq--an antidepressant drug--really a homely woman staring blankly at an expressionless doll?" @TheNapkin
"OH on prescription anti-depressant commercial: "Pristiq is THOUGHT to work by..." What? You mean you don't know?! Frightening." @luna_x
"interesting, seeing a commercial for pristiq & they just said that "it's thought that pristiq works by..." shouldn't they know how it works?" @lbbinc
"Hey Pristiq - what's the point of being an anti-depressant if your side effects increase suicidal thoughts? ...seriously, I'm asking!" @Matticus44
"Ahhhh Pristiq commercial. Guess I'll go on that tomorrow since I'll be so depressed after this show, ha #Earth2100" @prettyannoyed
There are many, many drugs on the market whose exact pharmacology is unknown.
ReplyDeleteI think the Pristiq commercial is very well done and sensitive to the folks experiencing depression.
Yes, but there has been much criticism of the make believe pharmacology relating to mental illness. If it unknown, why focus on a "supposed" mechanism of action with a nice animation?
ReplyDeleteBefore we seek medication for depression, get the advice of a specialist doctor. A good doctor would enquire your health problems and the reason of your depression. He can accordingly advice you on the duration needed for taking these medicines. Some online pharmaceutical companies too provide you free consultation by specialist doctors before you can go in for the treatment.
ReplyDeleteA doctor? A doctor should have some input into what drugs we take? How old fashioned. Now we watch TV and decide what diseases we have and go TELL the doctor what to prescribe. Ridiculous! The average joe doesn't know that a drug like Caduet has two ingredients that can be purchased MUCH cheaper separately than together. One is Amlodipine and the other is Atorvastatin. With my RxDrugCard I can get 30 tablets of Amlodipine for $9 and 30 tablets of Simvastatin for $9. I’ll bet they are charging more than $18 for this new drug! I think that RxDrugCard.com is the best drug card available for prescription discounts. The monthly family membership fee is only $4.95! You can’t beat that!
ReplyDeletePristiq's advertising is directly targeted at manipulating normal healthy women to want to be medicated. Women must stand up to big pharma’s bullying them to over-medicate with antidepressants washing out their emotions & personalities and interfering being mothers, sisters, brothers, daughters, partners and lovers.. Women are targeted for antidepressants by big Pharma in the same way that tobacco companies targeted us 70 years ago. Drug companies are so effective at selling unhappiness to women that women take more than twice as many antidepressants as men. Like effexor Wyeth/Pfizer plans on using modern marketing techniques and direct payments to doctors to have Pristiq over prescribed instead of used based on evidence based diagnosis. http://sadnessaddiction.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteWhat is the name of that "Melody" playing in the background of your Pristiq TV commercial? I tear up every time I hear it.
ReplyDeleteIf normal people are so easily targeted by a TV ad the should stop watching TV. Pristiq is not any different than any other anti-depressant they all have side effects it does not mean that you will get them just that you might experience them. a lot of them have the black box warning about suicide. this ad is just that an ad for information no can make you take the drug. just take the ad at face value and move on. why do we think we need to analyze everything.
ReplyDeletei've been fighting with depression long before i was diagnosed with being bi-polar in which, i'm mostly depressed...not because i'm a woman BUT as a person with severe depression i can relate to the pristiq ad...it's not that you don't want to get up, you just can NOT...and please, if you think you're depressed just because you broke up with a bf, we're talking about a depression that we cannot control without the help of medication...btw, i hate taking medications!!!
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if side effects regarding withdrawl were mentioned. After having taken Pristiq for almost two years, I'm now trying to get off of it. I'm shaking involuntarily, headaches, nausea, dizzy, brain shocks (awful feeling), spasms, hypersensitive to sudden noises...... At no point was there ANY information about this.